written by



Stephen Henley

V Mine

I am writing this not as a user or a developer of GEOREKA, but as a colleague of Hilco van Moerkerk who has benefitted directly from the use of his GEOREKA software, and observed its development at close range. I have worked with Hilco on a number of research and innovation projects (with funding through Horizon 2020 and EIT Raw Materials: UNEXMIN, UNEXUP, and ROBOMINERS) related to geology and mining since 2016, and have been very impressed by the way in which GEOREKA has been developed and extended during these years, for rapid application to the varied modelling requirements arising during these projects. In particular he has found effective and innovative solutions. For example, the workflow concept that he has implemented in GEOREKA is an elegant and flexible re-design that provides dramatic improvements over the macro/menu structure which I developed in Datamine, and the range of advanced 3D modelling and visualisation options that are available in GEOREKA is particularly impressive.  We could not have successfully completed our part in the projects without GEOREKA, and conversely, tackling the technical challenges we encountered in these projects contributed to the highly effective development of GEOREKA as a stable and reliable software platform for geologists and engineers.